Monday, September 11, 2006

A Somber Celebration of Carnivals

Five years ago this morning, on my brother's 42nd birthday (and the day after my wife's birthday), I was checking the Weather Channel and they made an unusual comment about New York. I soon switched to Fox News and via TV shared the horror of the day with millions of other Americans (my birthday brother was making a presentation in a big city skyscraper that day--thankfully, it was the Sears Tower in Chicago). My sympathies to readers who lost family or friends, my salute to those who valiantly tried to save lives, and my respect to the men and women who go into danger every day in Afghanistan or Iraq.

I didn't expect to being doing this, but I am in two carnivals; the Carnival of Investing ("Eight Investing Terms") and the Carnival of Personal Finance ("Academics Meet Auction...") today. Make sure to check the new (second edition) Carnival of Fraud at Fraud Files tomorrow.

Congratulations to Consumerism Commentary, Found in the Footnotes and pf blogs for making Kiplinger's must-see blog list in the October issue. (Editor's note--I tried to but failed to link to the blogs referenced today--I still need better html skills).


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